Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome Fall...

Can you believe it is already September 25??? Wow…time is flying by! So much has been happening around our house…including Josh moving back into the house. It has been a few weeks now and things are going great. We had a lot of birthdays this month including ours…Josh turned 30 & I turned 28!!! We are really getting old…lol. We will be celebrating 10yrs of marriage next month on the 17th…I can’t believe it has been that long! It seems like just yesterday we were flirting on the Lighthouse steps. ;o)

I have been putting up Fall/Halloween decorations. I am also proud to say I have had my first Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte of the season…lol…yummo! ;o) I am so excited it is football season…GO GATORS!!! We are 4-0 and about Chris Rainey…He is doing awesome! Oh and I won’t forget to mention we beat Tennessee 33 to 23…just sayin’…WooHoo!!!

We have a new addition to our family... a kitten named Lewis aka Lewie. He was know for a while as Maggie, but then we found out he was not a Maggie at all. lol Lewie is about 6 months old and is black and white. He is very cuddly and his favorite person is Josh. He and Riley get along really well and actually play together.

Josh is doing great! He really is enjoying his internship with the government and was offered a job!!! We do miss the simple life of Murphy and are not all a fan of the hustle and bustle of the city…however…this is a great opportunity, so we will see. He is starting Liberty soon. We are hoping he will graduate by August 2012. I am also excited to say he will be going to San Diego to train for the Army Paralympics. He is really looking forward to it and I know he will have a lot of fun out there.

Sara is in love with 3rd grade and her teacher. She has so many friends, and I sometimes am amazed at just how loving she is to everyone no exceptions. I am so blessed to have her as my daughter. She has started playing the violin. She is enjoying it and seems to be doing well in her lessons. She will be starting Brownies in the coming weeks. I think I am just as excited about the violin and Brownies as she is …lol. :o)

Hudson is doing great in 2nd grade and has transitioned in to public school well. His teacher is so kind and she has been so good with him. He is excelling in math and doing much better in reading as he is realizing the science he loves to learn about must be read…lol…silly boy! He has one very good friend who is also a neighbor, but is in another class. It is cute to see him learn Korean from this little boy. Hudson comes in everyday with a new word or phrase. He is starting Cub Scouts soon and is also super excited about AWANA.

SO…My brother is finally home from overseas!!! W made it home safely and is enjoying his new little addition. I can’t wait to see him and hug his neck. I am so proud of him! I am also proud of Susie…she has been so supportive, faithful and strong throughout him being deployed. She is amazing! I am so blessed to have her as a sister! :o) I can’t believe my little William is now 2 and my Christian is 3mo…my boys are getting so big! I miss them so much! I love being an auntie! :o)

Well, that is all for now…see ya again soon! :o) L


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